
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 11:35:07
1.The teacher has had some problems deciding____
A.when to the students he shall return the final parpers
B. when are he going to return to the students the final papers
C when he should return the final papers to the students
D. the time when the final papers should return for the students
从语感上 我选的是C 可我不知道原因,还望解释一下不能选A B C 的原因
麻烦尽量详细点,要考试啊. 谢谢了

2.____she first heard of the man referred to as a specialist
A.That was from Tom B It was Tom whom C It was from Tom that
D It was Tom that
这题首先觉得是靠强调语句。但为什么D 不能用却选用C
拜托了,这次考试关系我的下半身,各位度友 帮帮忙拉

3.Spiders are different from insects____have more legs
than insects
A.in that B in which C that D which

1.主句缺少宾语,从句缺少的是时间状语。when不能作为主句的宾语来使用,所以选项D的the time作为主句的宾语,也就是从句的时间状语。AB语句结构明显错误,C选项只考虑到了从句的时间状语,但是主句缺少宾语。

2.这是个强调句型。这句话换成平常句型是 she first heard of the man (refferred to as a specialist这是定语) from Tom(她是从汤姆那第一次听说这个人是专家)。你选D是因为你只知道这是个强调句型,并没有分析语句缺少的是什么。

3.句意是蜘蛛不同于昆虫,蜘蛛有更多的腿。补充完整可以是spiders are different from insects in (the side)that (spiders)have more legs than insects.




1,A项错误的原因是语序紊乱,本来用When to意图是正确的,可后来又杂糅了正常的语序,就像中文里面的句式杂糅,这句话若改成:when to return the final papers to the students就对了。B 项错误的原因首先是语序错误,大家知道宾语从句后面即使表达的是疑问的意思,也应该用陈述句语序,其次连BE动词也用错了,错误简直太严重了。所以改成:when he is going to return the final papers to the students勉强过去只是BE GOING TO 表达的意义不是那么的恰当,不如SHOULD 好。D项错误的原因是动宾搭配不当decide不能和the time 搭配,虽然中文里面可以说决定了时间,但英语没有这样的搭配,所以错了。
2.你能看出考的是强调句这很好,告诉你做这种题的方法就是将it was/is that 划去不看,只看剩下的词,然后看看意义有没有不当,或是没