
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/02 09:24:06
本专业与美国劳伦斯大学(LAWRENCE TECHNOLONGICAL UNIVERSITY)合作办学,劳伦斯大学位于看称世界第一汽车城的美国底特律。本专业注重汽车设计与制造,全面强化位于训练,引进美国先进的教学理念、方法和先进的教学资源。部分专业课程采用劳伦斯大学的英文原版教材,并由劳伦斯大学教授授课。培养学生理论联系实际,具有创新能力、适应外向型国际企业的高级汽车工程技术人才。



Professional with the United States Lawrence University (LAWRENCE TECHNOLONGICAL UNIVERSITY) co-sponsoring, look at Lawrence University, said the world's motor city of Detroit, the United States. This emphasis on professional design and manufacture of motor vehicles, at strengthening the comprehensive training, the United States to introduce advanced teaching ideas, methods and advanced teaching resources. Lawrence used some of the professional courses at the University of the original English teaching materials, teaching by Lawrence University professor. Students integrate theory with practice and innovative capacity of enterprises to adapt to international export-oriented high-level automotive engineering talent.