
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/11 05:41:31

国家赔偿案件 case of state compensation
国家赔偿的归责原则 principle of culpability for state compensation
国家赔偿的双重过错原则 principle of dual faults for state compensation
国家赔偿法 state compensation law
国家赔偿主体 subject of state compensation
国家权力机关 state authority
国际审判机关 state judicial organs
国家行政机关 state administrative organs
国家意志 state’s will
国家职能 function of the state
国民待遇 national treatment
黑社会性质的犯罪集团 gangland criminal syndicate; mafia-style criminal gang
缓期二年执行 with a two-year reprieve
缓刑 probate cessat executio
集合犯 aggregate offense; collective offense
既遂犯 accomplished crime
继承法 inheritance law
继续犯 continuous crime
加重处罚 give an aggravated punishment beyond the maximum prescribed
假冒他人注册商标罪 crime of counterfeiting the registered trademark of another
假释 parole
假想防卫 imaginative defense
假想数罪 imaginatively several crimes
简单共同犯罪 simple joint crime
间接故意 indirect intent; indirect iintentino<