
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 10:46:56
2,作为他几十年的故友,你应该很了解他(dozens of)
5,如果要成功举办开幕式我们需要把天气考虑在内(take...into consideration)
6,北京2008年奥运会传播傲林匹克精神,促进各国人民的友谊(carry out,promote)

It is annoying that the bus didn't stop at the bus stop.
As his friends for several decades, You should know dozens of things about him.
There is little profit in selling the newspaper nowadays.
That smart boy absorbs all the knowledge his teacher tought him.
If we want to have scuessful opening ceremony, we shoule take the weather into consideration.
The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games is to carry out the spirit of olympic and to promote the friendship among all the countries.