
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/16 18:17:27

Military, was born from the castle, to the prosperity has been the demise of the main line running through the castle's development has always been. The birth of the castle, from which its political environment, in general, the castle is a political division, a product of the separatist forces. Such as the Middle Ages in Europe, as the fief of the implementation of the system, making the ownership of land was distributed among the nobility that, in the hands of the Cavaliers, politically divided and the Empire, the Kingdom, Monaco, Knight territory, and so diverse, large and small feudal political entities Everywhere. No one has a clear border between them, and no one can fully sort out a clear link between them. The level of the feudal aristocracy among various reasons, often caused by the outbreak of war, they always prepare, often taking part in the war. All of the aristocracy are the equivalent of high-ranking military officers and their client will constitute its own office