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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 11:56:48

Scary movies impress me more in this way than just serving as psychological thrillers that they give me a lot of imaginations and enlightenments about life, the so-called science and boundless unknowns. Maybe many people still take a suspicious attitude towards Sino-America relations, but one point is clear: no one can be immune to American movies, in particular, Hollywood movies, which can be best demonstrated by the wide attention paid to the annual Oscar by people all over the world; American movies fascinate us unconciously as coffee does the same. Every time you finish an American movie, you get closer to its spiritual essence-cultural origin and you feel increasingly on the same way with the scenarists. I sincerely hope Chinese movies can draw on the sophistication of American movies and play their part in the development of Chinese movie industry.