
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 12:41:56
Megan Schroeder rides her bike or walks to school to do her part to help the planet.

Children stop to take photos of street signs for an after-school project as they walk to school from the YMCA in Garfield, N.J. Across the country, schools are encouraging families to forgo their cars to promote healthy habits, relieve traffic congestion around school buildings and reduce auto emissions.
She also likes the incentives that her school, Bear Creek Elementary, uses to reward kids who ditch mom or dad’s car in favor of biking or walking.

“You get treats, too — usually some kind of food. I won a bike at the awards ceremony,” said Megan, 8, of Boulder, Colo. “Since I like animals, I want to save the environment.”

Across the country, schools are encouraging families to forgo their cars to promote healthy habits, relieve traffic congestion around school buildings and reduce auto emissions. Students who live too far to walk or bike are asked to form car poo

1. With prizes as incentives.
2. To promote healthy habits, relieve traffic congestion around school buildings, and reduce auto emissions.
3. Darleen Reveille
4. Take public transportation or form carpools
5. There needs to be some form of incentive and reward.

They give the students prizes and treats.
Because they want to promote healthy habits, relieve traffic congestion around school buildings and reduce auto emissions.
The Federal Highway administer this programme.
They are asked to form car pools, use public transportation or walk part of the way.
Because it is easy to say such things, but difficult to put into action.