
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/21 07:44:45
最新研发高尔美增高功能鞋垫是利用现代磁医学、磁疗、按摩理疗结合中医理论研制而成的高科技专利产品。特殊设计“动力源”直接刺激腿部纵向运动着力点。从而增加每次踏步对足跟的按摩反射,产生类似跳跃运动的能量,从而保证“生长区”始终保持活跃状态,促进骨骼对生长素的充分吸收利用,加深睡眠,延长骨骼闭合时间。分布在鞋垫相应穴位的“ e- 磁系统”产生磁场效应磁力线穿透足底直接作于足底增高反射区“磁穴互动”,从而激活脑垂体前叶分泌和释放生长激素、强化吸收、加快骨骼生长、达到自然增高的目的。本品选用高质进口海波丽(H1-POLY),具有增高、保健、磁疗、按摩、促进血液循环、消除疲劳、杀菌、除臭、吸汗、去湿等功效。穿着柔软舒适方便无任何副作用。适用于各种男女学生鞋,运动鞋、蓝球鞋、跑鞋、休闲鞋、皮鞋。

Gore-to-date research and development functions of the United States and increased use of modern magnetic insoles is a medicine, magnetic therapy, massage therapy combined with the development of Chinese medicine theory from the high-tech patent products. Specially designed "power source" directly stimulate the leg vertical movement focus. In order to increase each time the heel of reflex massage, have a similar jump in energy movement in order to ensure that "growth area" has always been to maintain active status, and promote bone growth hormone on the use of full absorption, better sleep, to extend the closing time to bone.Insoles corresponding acupuncture points are located in the "e-magnetic systems" have a magnetic effect of the magnetic field lines penetrate the foot to make a direct reflection on the increased foot zone "magnetic interaction point" in order to activate the brain and the release of anterior pituitary secr