
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/19 21:52:33
帮我翻译如下问题(写作文遇到不会的......) 1.我们应该换位思考2.脾气不好和天气有关3.公交车打架事件,原因归咎于两人不礼貌的态度6.提高个人修养/素质7.交通拥挤8.有时车子起步时,人们还在上车,司机却不理睬9.有些人挤在车门口,脚,手都受伤10.司机总是催促人们上车或下车11.我们在抱怨司机服务态度不好的同时,是否有看见这样一些人:有些人趁上车拥挤时,不给车费,有些人责骂司机开车慢,还有不为老人让座,12.做一个合格的司机和乘客13.令我印象深刻的是司机14.他们总是早出晚归15.我没出过远门16.武汉是四大火炉之一 17. 这是一个比喻句18.生词及学习方法19.他们很辛苦,收入不高20.我们和谐相处
一些忘记的英语短语:习惯做sth , 众所周知, 情不自禁. ps:也许有点罗嗦,但十分谢谢你,i want to say 你辛苦拉~~~~~~

1 we should employ another way of thinking.
2 It is believed that there is some relation between the bad weather and the mood.
3 The bus fighting issue can be attributed to the impoliteness of the two sides.
4 improve the individual's quality and character.
5 Occasionally, the driver ignore the people who are still getting on the bus.
6 Some people get stuck in the door,causing injuries on the arms and feet.
7 the driver frequently urge the people to get on the bus quickly.

8 When we are complaining a lot about the lousy service attitude of the driver, do we really concentrate on some of the bad behaviors like skipping the tickets, complaints or sth about the slow speed of the car, and some impolite scenes.

9 being a good passenger and a qualified driver.

10 what impressed me most is the driver.

11 they always get up early and go back late.

12 I never walk far away from home.