
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 22:44:22
Some people think we can study the behavior of a very young child to decide whether he/she will grow up to be a criminal. To what extent do you agree?

In the present age, it is universally accepted that the issue of crime is increasingly severe. But in the meantime, whether the behavior of young children can decide they will be a criminal when they are adult has become a highly debatable issue. Some individuals assert if a young child will grow up to be a criminal, which depends on the behavior when they were young. Personally, I think this view overlooks significant factors of this issue.

On the one hand, there are several essential factors contributing to young child to be a criminal in their future. To start with, it is very important for children that circumstances for their growth play a key role in them. Therefore, if a child grows up with a single parent family his/her character maybe different from the other children who be raised in normal family, which l

try to use the other words instead of " but" at the beginning of a sentence, like however; avoid the format he/she; at the last paragraph, you could probably say like" from what we discussed above, we could easily draw a conclusion, blah blah.." sould more better.at the second paragraph using the past tense.