gossip girl英语影评

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 12:37:16

Gossip Girl is more about fashion, than about characters. It hasn't much dept yet. The writers must still experiment, trying to fascinate the audience. I think it's a great show, for anyone who is interested in fashion and socializing.

It's more for the teenage audience. Teenagers are fascinated by all those beautiful people, with beautiful clothes, living in a world they can't imagine by themselves. Gossip Girl creates an imaginary world, with a certain ambiance, and secretly the audience wants to live in such an imaginary world.

Yes, I can see why this is an addictive show. The "story", is actually very simple. But, this simple basic story, is dressed with glamour. The glamour part, is the touching part. And of course, the characters are lovely, even if they haven't much dept yet. But I'm sure, that in about 3 seasons, the characters dó have dept. You can't learn to know a character in one season. They have to develop the