
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/09 10:28:27
Write down a dream you had recently and tell us what the dream might mean and why.没有题目,只写了这么一句话。要有较好的文采!!

One World, One Dream
"One World One Dream", the theme of the Beijing Olympic Games embody the Olympic spirit and the essence of universal values ---- solidarity, friendship, progress, harmony, participation and dreams, to express the world in the Olympic spirit to inspire , The pursuit of a better future common aspiration of mankind. This will be a hot topic of today's most embodied the theme of convergence of all the aspirations of all people; "One World One Dream", it is the Chinese people to show the world the ideal and in the future.
In recent years, "human thinking" to infiltrate the entire world, "Arts and Humanities" is blooming everywhere, the theme slogan of Beijing Olympic Games is once again the "human" to a high degree. Beijing Olympic theme to the mouth of the National People's well-designed, a few of the 100,000 Call for Papers, which was born last 1/210000 the essence. Beijing has given the world an