明朝一个 建筑方面 名字拼音是yi kaizhan 参照下面一段话

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 16:17:43
Another legend about the Jiayuguan Pass tells of a workman named Yi Kaizhan in the
Ming Dynasty (1368BC-1644BC) who was proficient in arithmetic. He calculated that it
would need 99,999 bricks to build the Jiayuguan Pass. The supervisor did not believe
him and said if they miscalculated by even one brick, then all the workmen would be
punished to do hard work for three years. After the completion of the project, one brick
was left behind the Xiwong city gate. The supervisor was happy at the sight of the brick
and ready to punish them. However Yi Kaizhan said with deliberation that the brick was
put there by a supernatural being to fix the wall. A tiny move would cause the collapse of
the wall. Therefore the brick was kept there and never moved. It can still be found there
today on the tower of the Jiayuguan Pass.

