请帮忙用英语翻译一段话 十分感激

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 21:49:23
在澳大利亚,从七十年代中到八十年代中,高等学校经费以不变澳元计算处于停滞不前的状况,高教经费占政府总支出的比例下降了35%,如果以全日制学生生均经费计算,高教经费则下降了30%。在日本,政府也紧缩了国家对高等教育的支持,七十年代初政府的支持占高等学校总收入的80%,但到八十年代中则只占66%,下降了14 个百分点。各国政府压缩高等教育经费是由多种因素酿成的。首先,在七十年代中后期,西方国家普遍爆发了经济危机,例如世界头号经济强国美国在l974 和1975年爆发了战后最
严重的经济危机,在此沉重的打击下,通货膨胀率在战后首次达到了12%这样的双位数字,1979年经济状况有所好转,但好景不长,从 1985年起,国民生产总值增长率开始持续下降,1986 年财政赤字上升到2207 亿美元,这就使得联邦政府大量削减高等教育经费。其次,到七十年代中期,要求政府提供更多高等教育位置的压力已经减缓,高等教育已从精英教育转为大众教育,这就使得政府有可能减少高等教育经费而不冒很大的政治风险,政府可将经费转用于公众更加关注的环境、能源、人口老龄化和卫

We are here talking about the privatization of higher education with us in the economic field is usually mentioned in the privatization of enterprises is different, we are talking about the privatization of higher education do not mean a complete change in ownership of public institutions, into a private hospital School, and mainly refers to the funding of higher education resources from the private part of the growing process.
International higher education led to the rise of the privatization of the direct reason is that many countries in the world of the reduction in government funding for higher education,
As a result, colleges and universities can no longer as the post-war development of higher education as a golden age of reliance on government funding to maintain its own development
In Australia, from the mid-1970s to the mid-1980s, higher education funding in order to calculate the Australian dollar in the same state of stagnation, total government expendit