高手请进,求教oscommerce中PayPal website payment standard的设置方法

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 16:01:24

PayPal website payment standard后面有几项我不会填

从Page Style开始往下的几项都不会填 ,求教!

Page Style
The page style to use for the transaction procedure (defined at your PayPal Profile page)

Debug E-Mail Address
All parameters of an Invalid IPN notification will be sent to this email address if one is entered.

Sort order of display.
Sort order of display. Lowest is displayed first.

Your Private Key
The location of your Private Key to use for signing the data. (*.pem)

Your Public Certificate
The location of your Public Certificate to use for signing the data. (*.pem)

PayPals Public Certificate
The location of the PayPal Public Certificate for encrypting the data.

Your PayPal Public Certificate ID
The Certificate ID to use from your PayPal Encrypted Payment Settings Profile.

Working Directory
The working directory to use for temporary files

用IPN的模块就可以了 EC的模块写得不好,OSC如果要用express的话,必须2次开发。现在的流程没法用跟IPN没有两样
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