
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/16 19:39:47
原文: The Magic Earth Genie
1. Pol, Lu and Tea were very naughty children. They were horrible to their teachers and friends… and even to their parents.
2.They trampled on the grass and flowers. They tipped up rubbish bins and played in the rubbish. They left lights burning everywhere and never turned off any taps… And their bedrooms looked like rubbish dumps!
3.Sometimes, Pol, Lu and Ted sneaked outside at night and burnt poles of rubbish and old newspapers. Thick black clouds of smoke rose up into the sky.
4.Sometimes they took a CD player with them and listened to their favourite pop songs very, very loudly!
5.The other people in their town were very angry. They called a meeting to see what they could do.
‘Those children are not good for our town! They make too much noise and too much rubbish!’ shouted an old man. ‘And the smoke they make is bad for our health’.
6. ‘If they keep on doing bad things, we will tell their parents they must leave, s

Pol, Lu and Tea 两然非常调皮,对他们的朋友和老师来说两人简直很恐怖,父母亦如此。他们践踏草坪花朵、打翻垃圾桶在垃圾里玩耍、到处放火并且从来不关水龙头,卧室简直就像一个垃圾场!有时两人晚上出去烧掉垃圾堆和旧报纸,黑烟直冲云霄;有时他们把CD的声音开得老大听最喜欢的音乐;镇里的其他人都非常生气,他们召开了一个会议商量对策。
在一个阳光明媚的星期天, Pol, Lu and Tea 来到海边。他们带着CD机以及最喜欢的CD,一些烧火用的报纸和一些吃的喝的,全装在一个塑料袋里。他们把音乐的声音开的非常大,把塑料袋扔海里,人们都远离他们以避开吵闹,烟雾和垃圾。突然,LU看到了什么,“快看,沙里有东东西”,他们都跑过来,POL掏出了一个难看的瓶子,是由彩色玻璃做的,在顶部还有个塞子。“我想知道里面是什么”LU说,他打开塞子,开始并无事发生,但是一会儿。。。。。
