
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/05 05:39:58

This is an undesirable program. 这是一个不受欢迎的程序。

This file has been identified as a program that is undesirable to have running on your computer.此文件已被确定为一个程序是不可取的有您的计算机上运行。 This consists of programs that are misleading, harmful, or undesirable.这包括的程序是误导的,有害的,或不可取的。

If the description states that it is a piece of malware, you should immediately run an antivirus and antispyware program.如果描述说,它是一块恶意软件,你就应该立刻运行防病毒和反间谍程序。 If that does not help, feel free to ask us for assistance in the forums .如果这样做没有帮助,请随时向我们提供援助的论坛。
Click here to Run a scan for related errors 点击这里运行扫描相关的错误

Name: 姓名: <special characters> <special characters>
Filename: 文件名: myserver.exe myserver.exe
Fix myserver.exe errors: 费克斯myserver.exe错误: Try a Registry Scan 尝试注册表扫描
Command: 命令: myserver.exe
Description: 描述: Added by the Troj/Dropper-BR Trojan.增加的Troj /滴管橡胶木马。
File Location: 文件位置: Unknown未知
Startup Type: 启动类型: This s