
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/02 14:19:24

1, 理科综合(这个专业翻译是是什么?)
2, 第一学年,上,下学期
3, 满分 (指各个科目的总分是多少,翻译成full mark 还是full score?)
4,已毕业(有些科目高2就结业了,所以成绩栏头填的是——已毕业,翻 译成什么?)
6,会考成绩(high school certificate of education examination results, 对吗?)
7,入学时间, 毕业时间

是不是要注释上‘考试成绩分为A,B,C,D四个等级’?这句话翻译成The exam results are divided into four grades of A,B,C and D. 对吗?

1Comprehensive science
2The first academic year,st Semester,Next semester
3full mark
4has graduated
5Without learning
6unified graduation examinations of general senior high school
7Admission Graduate time

最后内句话我公正的翻译给我翻的是Required courses is categorized four level,that is A,B,C&D.

1. General Science
2. term one, term two
3. Full Mark
4. Graduated.
5. Not Avaliable
6. Unified graduation examinations of general senior high school
7. Admission Graduate time

1. Combined Science Papers
2. first academic year, first semester, second semester
3. 如果是百分制,就填100。 full mark好一点
4. completed in second grade/academic year
5. not available (N/A)
6. the results of high school compulsory examination
7. date of entry, date of graduation

最后一个问题:The exam results are divided in