Alice In Chains 的歌

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/21 14:02:18
Alice In Chains有首歌中间还是结尾一直反复唱着desire desire desire。。。谁能告诉我歌的名字????
happyneko:我是看上海 外语台 Alice In Chains 的 不插电演唱会上听到的,这首完了,下面一首是 down in a hole

这个现场的视频我还保留着,Down in a hole前一首歌的确是 Sludge Factory,大概17分钟时开始的,因为这首歌开始试了一下音...可能是LZ听错了,歌曲中并没有desire出现,但是开始几句的发音可能被你误听成desire了,其实还真有些像。以下是歌词:

you're forgiven this time
things go well, your eyes dilate
you shake, and I'm high?
look in my eyes deep and watch
the clouds change with time
20 hours won't print
my picture milk carton size
carton size
carton size

call me up congratulations
ain't the real why
there's no pressure besides brilliance
let's say by day 9
endless corporate ignorance lets
me control time
by the way, by the way, by the way, by the way

once again you see an in
discolored skin gives you away
so afraid you kindly gurgle out a date
for me

now the body of one soul I adore
wants to die
you have always told me you'd
not live past 25
I say stay long enough to repay
all who caused st