
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/11 04:36:29
All along, I have to for their own path in life to find a balance point, but I find for a long time, I still do not know whether the so-called balance what it means ? So I began to escape, to avoid the mistakes committed by me, I can not find more exports to avoid. The past, I like their parcels, as Chekhov wrote "installed in the peach in the" Lord of the artificial - Do not Like Fu, live in their own world, divorced from the reality of their own to imagine, For a long time seems to imagine that life has become a reality, therefore, I deviated from the path of life farther and farther.

Suddenly one day, I imagine that was the reality smash hit, I started from the thick of the parcel to climb out of time, I have never felt the pain, because I let the gap between the reality of the soul and spirit are suffering. Reality is reality, after all, there are ugly beautiful, so beautiful from the ugly Huazuo the process extremely difficult, more painful process. But

一直以来,我不得不为自己的人生道路中找到一个平衡点,但我找到了很长一段时间,我还是不知道所谓的平衡这意味着什么?所以,我开始逃逸,以避免所犯下的错误,我无法找到更多的出口,以避免。过去,我喜欢他们的包裹,因为契诃夫写道: “安装在桃在”上帝的人工-不喜欢富,生活在自己的世界,脱离现实自己的想象,长期以来似乎想象,生活已成为现实,因此,我偏离了人生道路上越走越远。


人们喜欢的天使,他的天使也这样做,但我知道:天使和魔鬼只在一线之间... ...