
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 14:01:31
很着急 跪求
请帮我翻译成英文 昨天发生了一件很有趣的事情 我在上班的时候 正一边看书一边听录音,在我旁边的是A先生和B女士 他们正在讨论关于股票的问题 他们的声音太大了 以至于我根本听不见录音机的声音 我生气的对他们说大点声 他们互相看了一下 A先生说不管你的事 继续学你的 我无奈的说 请把录音机大点声

Yesterday, there have been a very interesting things I have to go to work when one side is reading while listening to recordings, I was next to the A and B, Mr. President that they are discussing the issue of shares on their voice too much so I do not listen to I am not angry voice recorder on the big points, they said they sound each other, said A look at whether you continue to learn things I can not help you please say that the large tape recorder at voice


There happened a very interesting thing yesterday.While I was at work,I was reading and listing to the music when I heard two people -Gentleman A and Lady B beside me ,talking about shares.Their voices became so loudly that I couldn't hear the recorder clearly.I shouted at them angrily,"Speak loudly."They looked at each other.The man said that it's none of my business and asked me to continue my study.I had to say,"Turn a bit up the recorder."

yesterday it happened an interesting