
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 08:26:16
据房地产市场来看,国家宏观调控的步伐迈得非常谨慎,一步步根据市场反映,会有相应的政策出台 .因为,一直以来房地产市场影响国家经济,特别是市场经济和经济全球化时代的经济发展新思路以来,它与国家经济及政策更加紧密相连.由于房地产经济既也是一种产品经济,它也不外乎在三种经济关系之内,即: 一、规模经济与范围经济的关系;二、大规模制造与大规模定制的关系;三、集团经济与集群经济的关系,这三类经济决定了一个地区甚至一个国家生存发展的命脉。除了市场的供求关系以外,国家的房地产调控政策,也直接影响到调控的成败,影响广大群众的生产生活和我国社会、经济的和谐发展。对未来的房地产市场的预测也尤为重要,这就需要时时关注消费者,因为以人为本的社会,抓住消费者的需求关键,1.必须注意着力调整住房供应结构 2. 建立起较为完善的住房保障制度 3.关注房地产三级市场的发展 4.控制开发商的利润 5. 改变单一的土地招标方式。

According to the real estate market, the pace of state macro-control, step by step very careful reflection, according to the market will have the corresponding policies. Because the real estate market, has been national economy, especially the market economy era of economic globalization and economic development of new ideas, and national economy and policy, it is more closely connected. Due to the real estate economics is also a product, it is also in economic within three economic relations, i.e., a, economy of scale, and the range of economic relations, Second, large-scale manufacture and mass customization relations, Third, the economy and cluster economic group, the three economic decision a region or a national survival and development of the lifeline. Besides, the market supply and demand of real estate state control policy, also directly affect the success of the regulation effects, the production and life of the people and our society, the harmonious development of economy.