
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/26 20:29:38
I showed up at the hearing, my head spinning, my stomach in knots. What had I gotten myself into? I looked for the officer in his uniform—admittedly, he wasn’t bad looking, but then it was dark that night. To my surprise he strolled into the magistrate’s office in civilian clothes: a crisp white shirt, pale pink tie, black pants and a long camel-hair overcoat. What a sharp dresser. He gave me a pleasant smile and nod. I glanced at his ring finger. Bare. Unmarried. What if? I thought. I stopped myself. I mean, the man was about to testify against me! He’d thrown the book at me!

我来到听证会现场, 脑袋晕忽忽的,心里忐忑不安. 看看我都把自己扯到什么事情里了! 我寻找着那个穿制服的长官--很显然他长得还不错, 但当时是在很黑的夜里. 令我吃惊的是他竟穿着便服闲散地进来行政官的办公室--挺括的白衬衫,粉红色领带, 黑色长裤和长长的驼毛呢外套. 穿得多漂亮! 他微笑着向我点点头. 我瞥了眼他的无名指,没有戒指. 未婚. 那么如果……我思忖着。打住。那个男人将要提供对我不利的证词啊!他会用那本书砸我!