
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 07:10:16
“The popular view of a gentleman is poised somewhere between the imbecile parasite and the villainous one: between Woosteresque chinless wonders, and those heartless capitalist toffs who are…the stock-in-trade of television.”

Woosteresque chinless wonders是什么??

Woosteresque(伍斯特雷斯克)指的是YING国ITV电SHI台播出的P G Wodehouse's Jeeves and Wooster故事片中由休•劳瑞(Hugh Laurie)饰演的角色Bertie Wooster,外表英俊但毫无头脑,对社会少有贡献,而chinless wonders指的是英GUO逐渐出现的有退避三舍不承担相应社会责任的趋势的上层人士(字面含义是“逐渐缩回靠后的下巴”)。

Moment, i have transfered this question to answer.yahoo.com for answers abroad.

chinless wonder: 上流社会成员,通常指男性.
(origin: Members of the upper classes, by repute, often have minor genetic abnormalities like receding chins. This disparaging term is often used to describe members of the British upper classes and in particular the royal family. This is probably an implied reference to the effects of the supposed inbreeding of the upper classes and, again, particularly the House of Windsor. This is mostly just name calling, but is supported by the fact that Queen Elizabeth II and her husband have the same great great grandmother - Queen Victoria, and that she had a rather receding chin, as have several of her descendants.)