
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/30 00:09:49

Full name: Justin Randall Timberlake (Chinese name: Justin Landeerting Black)
Birthday: January 31, 1981 (6:30 PM)
Constellation: Aquarius
Place of birth: U.S. city of Memphis, Tennessee (Memphis-Tennessee)
Nickname: DanceDance (Bounce), Curly (Curly), baby (the Baby)
Family members: Lynn Harless (mother), Paul Harless (stepfather), Randy Timberlake (father), Lisa Timberlake (following the
Mother), Jonathan (brother), Steven (brother)
(Note: Justin had a Long Fengtai and his sister, Laura Katherine, but Laura was born in shortly after the collapse)
Height: 1.83 m
Eye color: blue
Shoes: 11/12 United States Code (that is, No. 45-46)
Advantages: a good listener
Interested in: basketball, swimming
Bad habits: hiccup
In most schools do not like the subject: Math
Justin's well-known: the original love, peace, harmony and everyone in the same. It great! Love, peace and harmony for all!!