
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 21:45:49
Dr. Howard Gardner, author of Frames of Mind and co-director of Project Zero at Harvard University, has created a Theory of Multiple Intelligences. He points out that school [and traditional rehabilitation] systems often focus on a narrow range of intelligence that involves primarily verbal/linguistic and logical/mathematical skills. While knowledge and skills in these areas are essential for surviving and thriving in the world, he suggests that there are at least six other kinds of intelligence that are important to fuller human development and that almost everyone has available to develop. They include; visual/spatial, bodily/kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, naturalist and intrapersonal intelligence. Gardner believes that the eight intelligences he has identified are independent, in that they develop at different times and to different degrees in different individuals. They are, however, closely related, and many teachers and parents are finding that when an individual becomes mo

I think this is targeted to the needs analysis, it should be said that this theory for most of the child, but if the social environment does not allow, and then how to care for children or cultivating talented people into it!? To be so specific To solve specific problems!
