2008野外生态摄影大赛获奖作品 中国作品天鹅在哪里可以找到啊???或者作品叫什么名字啊??

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/23 14:55:50
2008野外生态摄影大赛获奖作品 中国作品天鹅在哪里可以找到啊???或者作品叫什么名字啊??还有作者是谁??


是中国的 Yongkang Zhu (不知具体是哪几个字) 不过我很佩服他 。
作品名曾 Snow swans “ 雪中的天鹅 ”


Snow swans

'To photograph the swans in their environment meant I had to endure the same conditions - snowstorms and high winds that roll the snow across the flat land in great waves. The storm was so bitter I wished I could have escaped along with the swans.' Every winter, huge flocks of whooper swans migrate from the far north of Europe and Asia to warmer lowlands. The Rongcheng Swan Lake nature reserve in eastern China is a major overwintering sanctuary for whooper swans. But even here, when the fresh water freezes, the birds are forced to feed in the fields, digging through the snow for grass.<