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小小罗1985年出生于葡萄牙马德拉群岛的首府丰沙尔,他家境贫寒,罗纳尔多的父亲对足球非常喜爱,这也使得罗纳尔多很小就非常喜欢足球,当时能踢足球的场地很少,但小小罗总是抓住一切机会踢球,他的球技也在不断提高。11岁时,小小罗加盟了当地最好的球队国际队的少年队,当时球队教练门东卡回忆说:“罗纳尔多是我见过最出色的年轻球员,我甚至无法相信他的球技,那时候我们经常能赢对手 9个或10个球,而罗纳尔多经常能包办一半的入球。”1998 年,葡萄牙劲旅里斯本竞技也为罗纳尔多的天赋所折服,他们以1500英镑的低价引进了年仅13岁的罗纳尔多.C·罗纳尔多于 2002 年 9 月首次代表里斯本竞技队于葡萄牙甲组联赛上阵,当时他只有 17 岁.2003年8月的一次热身赛,他又帮助里斯本竞技3∶1战胜曼联。这样的表现让弗格森不惜以1224万英镑和5年的合同将其收入囊中。

Cristiano Ronaldo was born in a poor family in 1985 in the capital of Portugal's Madeira Islands -- Funchal.His father liked football very much ,which made Cristiano Ronaldo love football since he was young .At that time ,there was little place to play football,but Cristiano Ronaldo always seized any opportunity to play football,and he was able to play football better and better .when he was 11,Cristiano Ronaldo took part in the junior team of the local best football team .his coach Mendonka said in memorise :"Ronaldo is the best yong players i have meet .i even can not believe his skills .at that time we usually can win against 9 or 10 goals ,and Ronaldo always can win half of this ."in 1998, Portugal ,a strong sporting lisbon which was convinced by Ronaldo 's talent brible him in a 1500 pounds ' low -cost .that was the first time Ronaldo on behalf of the sporting lisbon in the portuguese first division league in september 2002,at that time he