
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 14:24:49
我要的是一整片文章啊 不是一小段的介绍,给个链接也成啊!不过还是谢谢你!

刑事诉讼赦害人一方面由于爱犯罪行为的直接侵害,与检察院对刑事案件的处理结果有着直接的利害关系,另一方面,又是案发现场的第一见证人,他对隶件的陈述对检察机关正确审查起诉、提起企诉有着重要的作用.因此如何正确认识刑事诉讼被害人在刑事审查起诉阶段中的法律地位和诉讼权利,对于理顺检察机关与刑事诉讼被害人的关系,保障刑事诉讼被害人的合法权益有着非常重要的作用。 On the one hand, due to the mercy of the Criminal harm love criminal acts against the direct, and the Prosecutor's Office for criminal cases, the results have a direct interest, on the other hand, is the first witness to the crime scene, he pieces of Li's statement The right to review the prosecution of the indicted, filed v. enterprises have an important role. Therefore, a correct understanding of how victims of criminal proceedings in the criminal prosecution stage in the legal status and rights of action for the prosecution to rationalize the relationship between the victim and the criminal proceedings, criminal proceedings to protect The legitimate rights and interests of the victim has a very important role.