
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 00:41:23
Marissa Parry(人名),住在布鲁克林区,经常加班到晚上。一天晚上,当她从公寓前的停车场出来时,一名陌生男子袭击了她。尽管Marissa Parry拼命挣扎,大声呼救,可是没人来帮助她。最终,Marissa Parry死在了距离她公寓几米处的地方。

New York is a beautiful and bustling city, where people can meet their greatest desire. However, under the surface there are many serious problems. Social security is one of them.

Marissa Parry (names), living in Brooklyn, often work late into the night. One night, when she was from the apartment parking lot before coming out, a strange man attacked her. Despite struggling Marissa Parry, shouted for help, but no one to help her. Finally, Marissa Parry died in a few meters away from her apartment.

What a tragic ending. Hope that the government is not just for this bustling city, at the same time make it more secure.

New York is a beautiful and bustling city, where people can meet their greatest desire. However, under the surface there are many serious problems. Social security is one of them.
Marissa Parry ,living in Brooklyn, often work late into the night. One night, when her former apartment from the parking lot when they come out, a strange m