紧急求援下面几句话用英文怎么表达 拜托各位高手

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 03:37:57
我肯定买家已经收到了货物 A 海关已经放行,EMS对个别国家无法确认妥投 B如果买家没有收到了货物,又是如何知道货物包装已经破坏?
我已经到邮局办理了书面查询 相信证据很快会出来

I am sure that the buyer had received the goods A Customs and Excise Department has been released, EMS for individual countries could not confirm if the B Tuotou buyers did not receive the goods, but also know how to undermine the already packaged goods?
I have written to the post office for the inquiry believe that the evidence will come out soon.

i am sure that buyer has received the goods and A custom had already released it, EMS couldnot be confirmed just by few countries, how could i know it had been unpacked if buyer didnot receive the goods?

i had alreay gone to the post for checking it up ,the conclusion will come out soon

The answer upstairs is very good.
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