英语短文简要介绍Abraham Lincoln的生平。

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/09 03:06:16
1 出生年月及地点:1809.2.12,出生在肯塔基州(Kentucky)
2 教育:几乎靠自学,1836年成为律师
3 任职:1860年,当选美国第16任总统
4 主要贡献:废除奴隶制,维护了国家的统一
5 评价:美国最伟大的总统之一

Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809- April 15, 1865) was the 16th President of the United States of America. He served as President from March 4, 1861, until April 15, 1865 (he was re-elected in 1864). Lincoln's Vice-President was Andrew Johnson (1808-1875).

Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin near Hodgenville, Kentucky. He had very little formal schooling and was mostly self-educated. He eventually became a lawyer and a Republican politician; he earned the nickname "Honest Abe." Lincoln married Mary Todd in 1842; they had four sons; they had four sons, but only one survived childhood.

During Lincoln's presidency, the Southern states seceded from (left) the Union because Lincoln and the Northern states were against slavery. Six weeks after becoming President, the Civil War began. In this war, the Northern states (which stayed in the Union) fought the Southern states (called the Confederacy). The Civil War lasted from