
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/01 18:08:38

1 香港中文大学录取的时候不是按学系录取的,而是按照奖学金基础班和非奖学金(文理工商)基础班录取的。音乐系属于文科基础班。文科基础班的录取分数大概也和清华北大的录取分差不多。要拿奖学金的话就更高。
2 中大很多交换生计划的,只要你申请基本都能申请到。
3 音乐系毕业前景(引自中大音乐系网站' Career.
Graduates from the Chinese University of Hong Kong have often won full or partial scholarships enabling them to pursue their studies at Cambridge, Harvard, Yale, the University of Toronto, and many other highly regarded institutions. Some continue to work professionally in music either in Hong Kong or abroad while others pursue academic and creative careers locally, in Singapore, Germany, Austria, and in the United States. Past graduates have recently won scholarships and prizes from the British Commonwealth, British Council, German Academic Exchange Service, and Alliance Francçise, as well as the Prix de Rome (New York).
4 提前批:中大是统招,你就在高考报名时和其他大学一起填写就行