
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/22 05:39:06
A;YOU want to travel to another country and call the travel agent for some information. such as currency ,language and so on

B;you are a travel agent. answer a's questions and give some advice
注意 cuse passive voice
IS english spoken much there
i think the euro is used in most of the eu
what currency is used in the european union
重点是currency ,language还有被动语态

A this is xxxx, is that air travle agency?
B yes. anything i can help you?
A Hnn, i'd like to go abroad for a vist, is there any sugguestion?
B Well, we have several choicese for you, that is the 7-day-east asia plan, great europe travel and the mysterious Egypt.
A Wow, it sounds great. is there any about korea?
B sure, we have. every week a regular travle group will go to the neighbour from shanghai, and another from beijin.
A well, shanghai will be perfect. i live in hangzhou.
B Ok, then, do you want to book it. the plan is very popular.
A I will have a 10-day long holiday next month. By the way, how long will the travle will spend?
B it take 5 days for a good journey.
A Ok, so let's talk more about the scheme……


A this is xxxx, is that air travle agency?
B yes. anything i can help you?
A Hnn, i'd like to go abroad for a vist, is there any sugguestion?
B Well, we have several c