
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 07:07:26



A Red,Red Rose is a well-known love poem written by Robert Burns drawing the inspiration from the treasury of Scotch folklore, which featuring with freshness and simplicity.In the first section,the poet presents the lover's beauty through the retorical method of metophor:"a red rose newly sprung in June",which a vivid figure of a young beautiful lover;and "a melodie that's sweetly played in tune" deeply means the harmornious integration of figure and virtue.In the second and third sections,the speaker progressingly expresses his strong love.Specifically, " Till a 'the seas gang dry"and "And the rocks melt wi' the sun" are the best expression of the faithful love.Here the images are changing from a red rose,a sweet tune to the seas,the rocks and the sun,so as to create a deeper and grander mood.At last, the writer sings his constant love over the end of life.

