
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/22 07:38:04

一、 before用作连词

1. before用作连词时,意思是“在……之前;还没来得及 …… 就”。例如:

Before she could move, she heard a great noise, which grew to a terrible roar. 她还没来得及动弹,就听见有很响的声音,接着就成了可怕的隆隆轰鸣声。

Before I could say a word, she had stormed out of the room. 不等我说一句话,她就冲出了房间。

Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched. 不要高兴得过早。

2. 用于It + be + 时间段 + before...句型中,意思是“在……之后才……”。例如:

It will be five years before I come back.


It was not long before the enemy was driven out of their country. 不久之后,敌人就被赶走了。


It won’t be long before they understand each other. 他们不久就会互相了解的。

3. 还有“趁……(还没有)”之意。例如:

They are thinking of buying the house before the prices go up. 他们正在考虑趁房价未涨时把房子买下来。

Do it before you forget it. 趁早动手,以免忘了。


before用作介词时, 可以指时间“earlier than在……之前”,也可以指位置“in front of在……之前”。例如: