
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 17:46:33

和sarah 合唱过pasion的那个,帮你找了一下

Fernando Lima 生于阿根廷,是西班牙语的古典歌唱家,假声男高音。10岁移居马德里,西班牙。随后完成了在声乐和萨克斯上的学位,然后获得了"Paloma O'Shea" scholarship (好象是什么奖学金之类的)并继续攻读研究生。21岁时移居伦敦继续博士学位(有关文艺复兴和巴洛克时期的音乐和歌剧),还参加了Monteverdi合唱团,07年加入百代。他的歌Pasion(真爱) 是墨西哥同名电视剧的主题歌,同时还和沙拉布莱曼演唱这首歌,首张专辑在08年2月份发行。

Fernando Lima (born Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 7, 1975) is a Spanish language classical music singer and is a countertenor.

At the age of 10 he moved to Madrid, Spain. He then completed a degree in voice and saxophone at San Lorenzo del Escorial, in Madrid where he received the "Paloma O'Shea" scholarship to participate in a Reina Sofia graduate program.

When Lima was 21 he moved to London, England to continue his doctorate studies in Barroque and Renaissance music and opera at Trinity College of Music; he also joined the Monteverdi choir. In 2007 he signed to EMI Classics / EMI Latin.

His song "Pasió