ASP 窗口弹出的毛病

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/12 13:04:32
Function Prolist1(lm,ts,zs,ls,pic_w,pic_h,ynpage)
Dim j
Response.Write "<table width=""100%"" border=""0"">"
Dim Protype,Pic,ProSql
Protype = saferequest("type",1)
if Protype = "" and lm = 0 then
ProSql = "select * from Pro order by Pro_ID desc"
elseif lm <> 0 then
ProSql = "select * from Pro where Pro_type = "&lm&" order by Pro_ID desc"
ProSql = "select * from Pro where Pro_type = "&Protype&" order by Pro_ID desc"
end if
oRs.PageSize = ts
oRs.CursorLocation = 3 ProSql,oConn,1,1

call page1()
for i=1 to int(oRs.PageSize / ls)

if oRs.Eof then exit for
Response.Write "<tr>"
for j=1 to ls

IF Not oRs.Eof then
if oRs("Pro_Pic") <> "" then

Response.Write "<td class=""tdtext"" align=center><a href=# onclick=""'Pro_show.asp?Proid=<%=oRs("Pro_ID")%>','','width=600,height=500,resizable=no,scrollbars=yes,')""><img height="""&pic_h&""" width="""&pic_w&""" src="""&pic&""" border=""0"" /></a><br />"
Response.Write "<a href=# onclick=""'Pro_show.asp?Proid=<%=oRs("Pro_ID")%>','','width=600,height=500,resizable=no,scrollbars=yes,')"">"&oRs("Pro_Name")&"</a>"
Response.Write "<td class='tdtext' align=center><a href=#'Pro_show.asp?Proid="&oRs("Pro_ID")&"','