初三的英语作文 对电影.乐队.歌手等的评论

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 01:43:31


这种作文我们写过,很简单,就是先写你看过什么电影(I have seen a film called…… ),再讲讲它的好处,比如说,好的风景(good features)或是演员演得好,长得漂亮什么的。再说不好的地方,例如太长了,无聊等等。

我最喜欢的英文歌曲(My favorite English song)
Richor poor yong or old people aways like listening to the music even though the songs that they like are different.of coures I like English songs becouse they can help me to practice my speaken English and becouse they sound good and my favourite English songs is from an American group backstreet boys .Itis called the shap of my heart .
As you know nglish songs lyices are so easy that people can understande them people aways think they are pieces of Ecake and so do Ibut in fact that are lucky like the shape of my heart Ican understant it good for my spoken English do you think so ?
I am sure that many song are about loveing and this song is about about it too.I like Brain best because his voice is very good and he can make .The shape of my heart become a real so