
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/01 09:35:35
【内容摘要】 新闻标题对受众是第一视觉冲击波,对传播信息沟通受众、引导舆论、表现主旨有举足轻重的作用,因此,标题的制作一向被新闻工作者看重。尤其是当今面对信息技术革命带来的挑战,面对市场经济的激烈竞争,新闻工作者在制作标题上更是绞尽脑汁,从而达到先声夺人,吸引受众的目的。传统新闻学理论认为,标题是帮助受众选择新闻信息的向导,是引导受众理解和阅读新闻的纲要,是满足受众新闻信息需求的手段,一句话,标题是新闻的“眼睛”和“广告牌”。新闻已经进入“读题时代”,正成为越来越多业内人士的共识。
【关键词】 读题时代 新闻标题 风格特色 问题及对策 发展趋势


The tile of a news is the first visual impact into its readers. It is extraordinarily important in conveying news, reaching readers, leading public opinions, representing major ideas. Therefore, journalists are always making a lot of effort to make a perfect title. Espercially with the challenge of communication techonology revolution, and facing the fierce competition from market economy, journalists have racked their brains for a best title in order to attract the eyeballs of vast readers. According to the traditional journalism theory, title is the summary of the news that leading readers to understand and read the news. it is a means that assisting the needs of communication. In one word, title is the eye and billboard of a news. it is becoming commonly recognized that we are geting into a "title reading era".
This article will discuss the features and styles of some brilliant news titles in current news medias, and point out the problems existing