sichuan earthquake speech

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/27 15:21:14
On May twelfth,astoundment’s day,心痛的一天,可怕的一天。就在阳光明媚,风和日丽的这一天,万物都在努力地生长,为家园的美丽而生长;世人都在不停地忙碌,为幸福的生活而忙碌;鸟儿都在快乐地歌唱,为世界的和平而歌唱。一切的一切都在美好中度过。可是就在这一个美丽的一天,厄运却降临到了四川汶川一带。
14:28分,可怕的8级的大地震在这儿爆发了。地猛烈地摇动着,发出的轰轰声让人感到胆战心惊。也许,这些学生还没来得及听清老师念的第一个English word;也许,他们还没来得及算完第一道数学题;也许,他们还没听完老师念的第一篇作文。一时间,地面开始剧烈晃动,也许他们还没反应过来发生了什么事,就已经被倒塌的房屋埋在了底下。



On May twelfth, astoundment's day, deplore greatly of a day, a day of fearfulness.Bright and beautiful in the sunlight, bright of this day, the creations are all diligently growing, is the beauty of home but grow;People of this world all at without intermission busy, is a happy life but busy;The bird all is happily singing, is the peace in the world but sing.Everythings of everything all spend in finely.But for a day in this beauty, bad luck but advent went to Wen Chuan in Sichuan a take.
14:28 cent, terrible of the heavy earthquake of 8 classes broke out here.The ground like forty waves and send out of the vroom let the person feel tremble with fear scared.Perhaps, these students haven't come yet and listen to the first English word that the pure teacher read aloud;Perhaps, they haven't come yet and finish calculate and together mathematics;Perhaps, they haven't finished listen to article 1 composition that the teacher read aloud.At that time