The serious effect of green house effect? What should to do

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 21:51:32
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1. too much CO2 emission which thicken the ozonosphere, wrapping too much radiation from the sun on the earth, gives rise to a dramatically high temperature. Statistics shows that the temperature would be so high that it would melt the Atlantic in 50 years' time, which would cause rise in sea level submerging cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Manhattan, and New York where living millions of people. Without the Atlantic which is playing the role of a mirror reflecting 90% radiation from the sun, the heat would be absorbed into the sea, warming up the surface of the water, disordering the currencies today which are stable. The severely changed currencies might account for the next ice age, destroying all the civilisation we have today.

2. What we could do is to enhance people's consciousness of environmental protection. Reduce the usage of water. Purchase environmental-friendly products, like electric moter vehicles, products with dissolvable package.
