
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/13 21:28:26

extends java.lang.Object延伸java.lang.Object
A class for accessing data that is stored in the resource fork of Macintosh files. A级访问中存储的数据资源的交岔路口的Macintosh文件。 Writing resource forks is currently not supported.写作资源派生目前不支持。

The package uses this class for accessing fonts in the MacOS X ".dfont" format, which is is a file in the format of a Macintosh resource fork, but stored in the normal data fork of the file.该软件包使用这个类访问的字体在MacOS下的“ 。 dfont ”的形式,这是一个文件的格式在Macintosh资源交岔路口,但存放在正常的数据叉的档案。

The implementation has been designed to work efficiently with the virtual memory subsystem.实施了旨在提高工作效率的虚拟内存子系统。 It is recommended to pass an instance of java.nio.MappedByteBuffer to the constructor.建议通过一个实例java.nio.MappedByteBuffer的构造。

Thread Safety: All access is synchronized on the ByteBuffer that is passed to the constructor.线程安全:所有的访问是同步的ByteBuffer这是传递给构造函数。