
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/13 19:21:24


扁桃体发炎、内脏 有炎症都会引起发烧。很正常,并不是只有感冒才会发烧的。


CP3003 Tutorial Week 3 - Solutions
Question 1
It is a relationship between two computer hosts in which one host takes on the role of requesting services and the other the role of responding to service request.

Question 2
The server starts life with a single thread which we will call the main thread. This thread creates a socket, binds an address, sets the connection queue length then sits in an infinite loop accepting connection requests. Each time a client connects, the operating system creates a new socket for the new connection. The main thread returns from the accept system call and a newly created socket is returned. The main thread creates a new thread to handle the new connection. In a multithreaded environment, the new thread operates concurre