
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 05:03:01
要求:1 目前有些学校开始实施每年放三次短假
2 分别列举赞成长假和短假的原因
3 我的观点

Some school is having three short break now, it is kind of good but is also has some bad points also, like if you wants to travle to somewhere, you only have a short break, so this is a good point for long term break. if you haven't been studying for a long time, you might forget some of the thing you learned, so this is a good thing for short term break. However, I think that Long term breakk is better, Because when you wants to travle you can have a really fun time, if you are afraid that you can't follow the lesson, you can study at summer.And that's all.


I 'm Mojunxian.
