
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 09:52:39
艾滋病是英语"AIDS"中文名称,AIDS是获得性免疫缺陷综合征的英文缩写。它是由于感染了人类免疫缺陷病毒(简称HIV)后引起的一种致死性传染病。HIV主要破坏人体的免疫系统,使机体逐渐丧失防卫能力而不能抵抗外界的各种病原体,因此极易感染一般健康人所不易患的感染性疾病和肿瘤,最终导致死亡。一个感染上艾滋病病毒的人,也许会在很长的一段时间内看上去或是自我感觉起来很好,但是他们却可以把病毒传染给别人。艾滋病从发现至今还不到20年,但它在全球所引起的广泛流行,已使3000多万人受到感染,1000多万人失去了生命。目前,世界上每天有万余人新感染上艾滋病病毒。不但医学界在竭尽全力研究预防治疗艾滋,各国政府,社会各阶层也都纷纷投入了对抗艾滋病的运动。但到目前为止,我们人类还没有找到一种治疗此病的方法。因此,为了自身的健康和家庭的幸福,大家都应该关注艾滋病。了解艾滋病,进而预防艾滋病。 为什么说艾滋病是能够预防的首先艾滋病病毒的传播途径非常明确,通过血液传播、性传播和母婴传播;其次,艾滋病病毒在体外环境下很脆弱,很容易被杀死,因此艾滋病病毒不通过空气、食物、水等一般性日常生活接触传播。另外,艾滋病病毒不能在蚊虫体内生存,不能通过蚊虫叮咬传播。因此,艾滋病的传播主要与人类的社会行为有关,完全可以通过规范人们的社会行为而被阻断,是能够预防的。

AIDS is the English "AIDS" name of the Chinese, AIDS is acquired immunodeficiency syndrome initials. It is due to infection of human immunodeficiency virus (referred to as HIV) after a fatal infectious disease. HIV major damage to the body's immune system so that the body gradually lose their ability to defend the outside world can not resist a variety of pathogens and therefore vulnerable to infection in healthy people generally are not susceptible to infectious diseases and tumors, eventually leading to death. One infected with the AIDS virus, perhaps in a very long period of time or look up and feel good, but they can spread the virus to others. AIDS has been found from less than 20 years, but it is caused by the global pandemic, has more than 3000 million people are infected, more than 1000 million people lost their lives. At present, the world's more than a day of the new HIV infections last. Not only do research in the medical treatment of HIV prevention, gov