
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/23 20:36:57

The study,conducted by the National Research Council's Committee on Diet and Health,concludes that balancing nutrition,calories and activity is key to enjoying a long and beautiful life.
The report recommends that most Americans increase physical activity to a moderate level and make changes in food choices and calories intake to maintain ideal weight. Most of us-even those of us at ideal weight-need to eat______1 fat so that no more than30% of our daily calories will come from fat.
That means cutting down on red meat and whole milk dairy products.____2,eat fish,chicken without skin,lean meats,and low-fat and no-fat dairy products.
1.a little b much c less d more
2.a However b Or c Indeed D Rather
答案 3 3
为什么是这两个答案 高手来解答解答

第一题:先确定“减肥=少fat”,排除2,4。3=less,less既可以修饰可数又可以修饰不可数,这里,只要little可以,less就可以。但你要是添a + little,句子意思就变成了“应该吃一点脂肪”变成表肯定了。(ps,你要是认为表肯定也讲得通,接着读就知道它跟后面紧跟着的30%卡路里矛盾了)
第二题:这个只需要知道一点:indeed=in fact,考烂了的考点,不记吃亏。
如果你正常思维的话肯定犹豫4=rather选项,它的确有表or better的意思,但rather前后肯定是平行的结构,例句记住:i'd like some coffee,or rather,a cup of milk tea. 跟这个句子长得不像就不要添rather,另,考题规律,出题一般都不填rather