
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/28 20:02:57
David Howard ( I ) pg172 GODFREY C .1725 (YongZheng 1723—35 ) 24cm (19)

The mantling of this service display more rose enamel than those illustrated above
The arms are of Godfrey Sable a cheuron between three pelicans,heads erased or unlning proper crest,A demi negro holding in the dexter hand a cross crosslet fitched argent; motto “Corde fixam”
This is one of four Godfrey services made within a decade with the arms of this Kentsh family originally seated at Lydd (where these is a monument on the church to Thomas Godfrey who died in 1430)
Thomas Godfrey of Hodiford had at least six sons (of whom the fourth was Sir Edmund Bury Godfrey at the time of Titus Oates in 1678).this service was probably made for one of the five sons of peter Godfrey .M.P.(Sir Edmund Bury”s nephew), or for his brother Benjamin of Norton Court,One cousin was Peter Godfrey, a chief supercargo at Canton in 1728 and Chief of council in tha

戴维霍华德(一) pg172戈弗雷ç 0.1725 (雍正1723年至1735年) 24厘米( 19 )

武器是戈弗雷紫貂1 cheuron三至鹈鹕,首长删除或unlning适当的洪峰,一个半内格罗召开的德克斯特手交叉crosslet fitched银;座右铭“ Corde fixam ”
这是一个四戈弗雷服务在十年内与武器的Kentsh家庭原来坐在Lydd (这些是一座丰碑的托马斯教堂戈弗雷谁在1430年去世)
托马斯的戈弗雷Hodiford至少有6个儿子(其中第四是埃德蒙伯里戈弗雷的时候泰特斯奥兹在1678年) 。这项服务很可能作出的五个儿子彼得戈弗雷。议员(埃德蒙埋葬“的外甥) ,或为他的哥哥本杰明的Norton法院,是一个表弟彼得戈弗雷首席广东押运员在1728年和首席安理会在这一年,该服务可能已然后他。
余llustration约翰willins采集;热电偶1928年,8.5 -中。板块10个33 ;苏富比拍卖行;语1964年4月,参加第2晚餐菜肴服务, 10板和200 (见两个碳五,和C2 )