
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/02 22:14:43

今天听到别人说,什么牙医非要有美国绿卡才可以. 我想以后学眼外科.

我现在是持F1学生签证的,请问下,我4年后考MEDICAL SCHOOL的时候需不需要美国绿卡??

哈哈, 又是pre-med student, 多数pre med都是BIO专业的.

没有这会事情的, 到时候考MED SCHOOL, 仍是F1学生签证, 如果到时候过期了,再去续期囖, 这是很正常的事情.

这个人才录用的东西, 跟是什么身份没有关系的, 不过最起码都得合法居留就行了.

no, you cannot get into any med school in US if you're international students, you will have to be either a US citizen or US permanent resident to be able to consider for med school

sure you can! the problem is whether you can get in. it's hard for international students to get in mostly because of financial status, federal won't give you a cent as it will the citizen, same policies for med scholarship. and also, there are so few positions for med MD or PHD+MD programs in each university that they will primarily consider their citizens whose parents and maybe grandparents have payed taxes and especially social security for decades!

读书没问题,就是以后MEDICAL SCHOOL毕业了, 找医院实习做住院医residential麻烦些,医院match的时候,肯定是有身份的先考虑的.