
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 13:19:41
who are you?
what do you want?
stay away from me!


Ragnaros: Too soon, you have awakened me to soon Executus! What is the meaning of this intrusion?

Vaelastraz: Too late... friends. Nefarius' corruption has taken hold. I cannot... control myself. I beg you Mortals, flee! Flee before I lose all sense of control. The Black Fire rages within my heart. I must release it! FLAME! DEATH! DESTRUCTION! COWER MORTALS BEFORE THE WRATH OF LORD....NO! I MUST FIGHT THIS!

Did you call on me ?

Why would I call on YOU lolcats?

To do your heavy lifting roflmao! Most likely . lawl. lolcats.

When I need someone to prance around like an over-stuffed PEACOCK I'll call on you roflmao.

Then I'll commit myself to ignoring you lulz.

What would you know about commitment?!? lol! ? Shet-za lol!

You're the one who should be.. lawl. Wait... we have company...

In ZG:
Bloodlord: "Ding!"
Jin'do: "Grats!"